RENAULT ISK RECOVERY SERVICE MD1CS006 EMS3160 SID321 EMS3140 EMS3161 EMS3141 EMS3125 EMS3120 EMS3155 EMS3150 SID309 SID310 SID307 and others.

Price of one calculation: €75 excluding taxes (e.g., VAT).
If the customer is from the EU and has an active VAT ID, the VAT rate is 0%.

The service consists in calculating the ECU-derived 6-byte synchronisation code called ISK for the Renault immobiliser system communicating via the CAN bus.

Calculations are possible for all controllers ECU with a first-generation CAN immobiliser system implemented by around 2020.

Although the calculation is possible for all ECUs, it is most necessary for ECUs using the HSM hardware security module for data transfer and decryption, as reading the ECU contents does not allow the ISK values in the eeprom and flash areas to be found anyway.

Pictured is one option for collecting the relevant data, I have written a special logger for data collection that works with the very popular Tactrix Openport 2.0 interface, the programme is available free of charge, the ISK calculation is payable.

The software is protected by a packer. Use the provided SHA-1 hash (89716313d851bb789c80859b074d5e337df5d1df) to set an antivirus exception and validate the executable.

Software download link

To collect the data, connect the ECU on the table according to the diagrams available for the vehicle it came from.

We then connect the Openport interface to the power supply and the CAN lines from pins 6 and 14 of the interface to the CAN data line of the engine controller we are working on.

When everything is connected, press the START LOGGING button in the logger programme.

Information is collected when the power to this ECU is cycled on and off, the number of cycles is set to 9.

When the programme has collected enough information, it will display it and issue a message to complete the logging process.

The calculation is based on the collected CAN query meta data from the ECU to which we want to retrieve the synchronisation code called ISK.

The data collected must be saved and sent to us and we will calculate the ISK code on its basis.

Thanks to the recovery the ISK synchronisation code, the UNICAN emulator can be used to unlock the ECU.

Thanks to the ISK readout, we now have the possibility of reading out ECU control units which can only be read out in the car after the immobilizer has been deactivated, e.g. the EMS3125, SID309 and others.

We simply enter the ISK into the UNICAN emulator connect it to the ECU on the table and have an open reading.

If you are an EU-based automotive electronics company, you can send us an ECU unit for ISK code recovery service – please contact us or to one of My distributors .

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